The Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute

Fulfil the wishes of our children at Sweetlings
On the occasion of Independence Day HCJMRI, Jehangir Hospital, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation came together to fulfill the wishes of our children at Sweetlings, Type 1 Diabetes Charity Clinic by HCJMRI.
The children wished for various things like cycles, doll houses, mobile phones, dresses, etc and it was all fulfilled by our team from the hospital and the foundation, it was an absolute pleasure indeed!
The event took place in the presence of Mr. Vinod Sawantwadkar- CEO of Jehangir Hospital, Dr. Anuradha Khadilkar - Deputy Director, HCJMRI, and Ms Neelima Gaikwad - Co-ordinator, Make A Wish Foundation.

Venue: Jehangir Hospital


Lower Ground Floor,
Block V, Jehangir Hospital,
32 Sassoon Road,
Pune 411 001.

Phone: 020 -66811741 / 26057004

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