The Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute

Health check-up and overall development of school-going children in remote villages within Shirur taluka
Each year, as part of the YUVAAN Project, we focus on the health check-up and overall development of school-going children in remote villages within Shirur taluka.

Throughout the year, we coordinate numerous activities for the students. As a part of these efforts, In schools' we distributed blood group cards for each student after a health check and blood group detection.

Furthermore, we conducted a special guidance lecture for seventh-grade girls on identifying good versus bad touch and empowering them to say no in uncomfortable situations. The girls displayed an enthusiastic response to this activity and actively engaged by raising their doubts and concerns.

Inspired by the positive outcomes, we have expanded our initiatives to involve the students and their families. We aim to create awareness among young girls in rural areas and foster open discussions about this crucial issue.
Venue: Shirur Taluka


Lower Ground Floor,
Block V, Jehangir Hospital,
32 Sassoon Road,
Pune 411 001.

Phone: 020 -66811741 / 26057004

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